CHARDONNAY Chiaramonte

Chiaramonte Chardonnay, from vineyards grown on the Firriato estates in the Trapani countryside, is a fresh, intense and fragrant white, extremely pleasant and drinkable.

Grape variety
Bottle size
IGT Terre Siciliane
Serve at
10/12 °C
Contains Sulphites - Product of Italy

Tasting notes

COLOR: Clear straw yellow with greenish shades.
NOSE: Powerful with distinct hints of yellow flowers like mimosa and broom exalting fruity aromas of white peaches and ripe pears.
PALATE: It is a wine of great breadth; the taste is full and rich in texture with a lingering saltiness. Its lasting freshness and fragrance fill the mouth creating a unique experience that only the varietal vocation of its blend can give.


Grilled fish, light pasta dish with fish or vegetables

Why choose it

Chardonnay, the most widespread international white grape vine variety in Sicily, is characterised by its innate elegance and its splendid sensory properties which have influenced the best products of world oenology. The Di Gaetano family have chosen to cultivate it in the Dàgala Borromeo Estate, where the exposure and terroir permit this variety’s aromatic content and intensity of fragrances to find their best expression. The deep, fertile soil, of a sandy loam nature, forges a balanced wine with a full, fresh flavour. It is the perfect interpretation of the unmistakable Mediterranean style that only white Sicilian wines are able to express. Chiaramonte Chardonnay exhibits all the nobility of this variety thanks the care and precision of Firriato’s cultivation methods.

The Terroir: Trapani Countryside

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Chiaramonte Chardonnay - Firriato